
Check out below for our collection of behind-the-scenes look at the THRIVE Lab's work. We hope to keep updating this page with photos from conferences, lunches, and everyday life here at the lab!

Group Photos

Take a look at our past THRIVE Lab Member cohorts throughout the years.

2022 THRIVE Lab Members
From left to right: Dr. O'Donovan, Dr. Nishimi, Dr. Kelley, Andrew, Jeri, and Zoe.
2016-2017 THRIVE Lab Members
Bottom Row: Dr. Andrea Niles, Belen Rogowski, Mary Smirnova, Rachel Tenney.
Top Row: Dr. Ana Pesquita, Samantha McGirr, Hiep Nguyen, Dr. Aoife O'Donovan, Dr. Andreas Kueffer.

Lab Members from 2016

Lab Members from 2015
Lab Members from 2015

Lab Members from 2014
Lab Members from 2014

Lab Members from 2013
Lab Members from 2013


2017 Anxiety and Depression Conference

On April 8, 2017, Dr. O'Donovan and THRIVE researchers Dr. Andreas Kuffer, Samantha McGirr, Dr. Andrea Niles, and Rachel Tenney presented at the Anxiety and Depression Conference in San Francisco! Here are some photos from the event.

From left to right: Rachel, Dr. O'Donovan, Sam and Dr. Niles.
From left to right: Rachel, Dr. O'Donovan, Sam and Dr. Niles.

Rachel Tenney presenting on mobile attention bias modification intervention in PTSD.
Rachel Tenney presenting on mobile attention bias modification intervention in PTSD.


Dr. Niles presenting on the effects of trauma and PTSD on physical functioning in sexual minority women.
Dr. Niles presenting on the effects of trauma and PTSD on physical functioning in sexual minority women.
Dr. Kuffer presenting on overnight production of IL-6 and TNF-a in PTSD patients.
Dr. Kuffer presenting on overnight production of IL-6 and TNF-a in PTSD patients.